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From phone call to great road trip adventure!

I started blogging a few years ago when I made the cross country trip from Los Angeles, California to Wake Forest, North Carolina. Blogging turned out to be a fun experience, so now I continue to blog about all of my travels. I try to make it interesting for everyone and hope that people can travel with me through my blogging. To learn why I started blogging in the first place, just continue reading and the next paragraph will explain how it all got started. So sit back, read the post, view the pictures and travel with me via my blog.

One of my dreams ever since I can remember was to take a cross country road trip to see America. Never in a million years did I think I would realize this dream. My dream was set in motion when I answered the telephone and my son Chris (who lived in Los Angeles at the time) called to tell me he had accepted a job in New York City. He went on to say he would not be taking his car with him to New York but would be driving his car from California back to North Carolina. Light bulbs went off in my brain at that point, so I told him I would fly to Los Angeles and ride with him back to North Carolina. Thus my great road trip adventure came to be. But this is only the beginning as it hasn't started yet. We are in the planning stages of where we are going to stop along the way and what we want to see. We only have 10 days to go from west to east and so the planning begins. I hope you will follow me as I blog my way across America. I'm new at blogging so please be patient. I hope to blog daily and post pictures along the way. Thanks to Chris for making it happen and to Julie for telling me to "go for it" and to seize this "once in a lifetime opportunity". I'm glad I did!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

New York - Day 4 (continued) Ground Zero

September 11, 2001, the day that changed the United States forever. You can ask anyone where they were at on that day when the United States was attacked and the twin towers fell and they remember exactly where they were at and what they were doing. . I was at Disney World: Animal Kingdom to be exact when they announced over the sound system that the park was closing and everyone needed to follow the instructions of the cast members in exiting the park.  At the time we didn't know that a plane had flown into the Twin Towers. Our worst fear at that moment was that maybe one of the animals had escaped. It wasn't until we got back to the resort that we learned the truth. A plane had flown into one of the twin towers and minutes later a second plane flew into the other tower.  By the time the towers fell the whole world knew and was watching!  More than 3,000 innocent people lost their lives on that day.  The site of the former World Trade Center towers, now called Ground Zero, has become one of the United States' most revered memorials.  Plans are underway to build two reflecting pools with granite stones listing the names of everyone that died on that day. The city is hoping to have this complete in time for the 10th anniversary in 2011.  Visiting the site it is hard to imagine that this memorial will be finished in time for the 10th anniversary later this year.  I guess we will have to wait and see what transpires over the next 5 months. God bless those that lost their lives and the ones that carry on.

New World Trade Centerr under construction

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