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From phone call to great road trip adventure!

I started blogging a few years ago when I made the cross country trip from Los Angeles, California to Wake Forest, North Carolina. Blogging turned out to be a fun experience, so now I continue to blog about all of my travels. I try to make it interesting for everyone and hope that people can travel with me through my blogging. To learn why I started blogging in the first place, just continue reading and the next paragraph will explain how it all got started. So sit back, read the post, view the pictures and travel with me via my blog.

One of my dreams ever since I can remember was to take a cross country road trip to see America. Never in a million years did I think I would realize this dream. My dream was set in motion when I answered the telephone and my son Chris (who lived in Los Angeles at the time) called to tell me he had accepted a job in New York City. He went on to say he would not be taking his car with him to New York but would be driving his car from California back to North Carolina. Light bulbs went off in my brain at that point, so I told him I would fly to Los Angeles and ride with him back to North Carolina. Thus my great road trip adventure came to be. But this is only the beginning as it hasn't started yet. We are in the planning stages of where we are going to stop along the way and what we want to see. We only have 10 days to go from west to east and so the planning begins. I hope you will follow me as I blog my way across America. I'm new at blogging so please be patient. I hope to blog daily and post pictures along the way. Thanks to Chris for making it happen and to Julie for telling me to "go for it" and to seize this "once in a lifetime opportunity". I'm glad I did!

Friday, October 29, 2010

William (Bill) J. Clinton Presidential Library

We left Shawnee, Oklahoma heading for our next stop along the way the state of Arkansas a distance of 291 miles.  Arkansas was one of the few states that I actually took a picture of the Welcome To sign because I was usually texting or talking on my cell phone when we passed most of the other state line signs.  When we reached Little Rock we went to see the Clinton Presidential Library which is only about 10 miles off I-40 in downtown Little Rock on President Clinton Avenue.  You pass through River Market which has attractions, shopping, dining and lodging on the water front all within walking distance of the presidential library. Inside the presidential library you will find exhibits: Life in the White House, The Early Years, exact replica of the Oval Office when Clinton was President and and exhibit describing the ongoing work of President Clinton and the William J. Clinton Foundation and a full-scale replica of the White House Cabinet Room. Key events and highlights of the Clinton administration are present on a timeline. The President's daily schedules are located in binders below the timeline.  There is also an orientation theatre that focuses on Clinton's life and political career and highlights of his 1992 and 1996 campaigns.  Other exhibits include the presidential limousine and work of the United States Secret Service. No flash photography is allowed inside the library which is why there are no pictures of the inside exhibits.  However, I did manage to sneak a picture of me and Chris sitting behind the desk used when President's give special speeches on TV.  Next to the library housed in an historic brick building is the Clinton School of Public Service.  When leaving Little Rock I saw a church so I took a picture of the church.  A lot of times when I am traveling I take pictures of churches for their unusual architecture, shape or uniqueness.  What caught my eye with this church was the uniqueness of it's steeple which to me looked different from most other steeples. Finally it was time to leave Arkansas and enter Tennessee.  Of course to go from Arkansas to Tennessee you have to cross the Mississippi River  so my final two pictures on the blog tonight show us crossing the great Mississippi  River.  My next blog will be about Arab, Alabama.  Yes followers there is an Arab in Alabama so stay tuned for that chapter in my trek across the country.  Good night all and this blog is specifically dedicated to my follower that expressed their disappointment in not being able to read a blog from me everyday.


  1. Ann,

    Thanks for sharing your adventure with us. It is wonderful.

  2. Hey Ann, you look good in the President's seat. I think you might want to consider that position. Hope you are having a great time.
